Our talent is what makes the difference at HDWERKS.

Jeff enjoys bringing a diverse range of clients’ visions to life through the Video Production Pipeline, and he brings a wide range of experience to the HD Werks team. Jeff tackles a little bit of everything. From staging interviews and collecting rapid fire run & gun broll, to editing and coloring a cohesive story. He is passionate about seeing a quality project through to the finish line.
Outside the HD Werks cabin, Jeff enjoys cooking & baking, traveling, camping and video gaming all paired with a rich cold brew coffee.

Founder and Executive Producer of HD Werks, Frank Greiner has been producing video content for over 25 years. His journey began learning from the late and great Richard Claflin at the Alliance High School Broadcast Arts Studio. His career continued with time in beautiful Athens, Ohio home of Ohio University. Upper Manhattan was his next stop where a passion for video, storytelling, and creative achievement was forged. Frank returned to his home town in 2008 to buy a farm, start a family and build a lasting business. He is proud to have achieved all three.

Jenna is the sole reason HD Werks is still in business after twelve years not only because she pays all of the taxes on time, but also because she reconciles every account, pays every business fee and membership dues, fills out the endless government regulatory paperwork, performs HR functions, handles accounts payable, chases accounts receivable, she is the office coordinator, party planner, housekeeper and master of a thousand other invaluable tasks.
But Jenna's true gifts are as a supportive wife, a loving mother to her five children Frankie, Olive, Vincent, William and Violet, and as a business partner who wants the best for her clients, their employees and the communities we all serve.